NewsMan Pro v2.7.0.9 英文零售版(多線程、多伺服器的新聞閱讀器軟體) 內容說明:
最近訪問過的新聞組,使用起來很方便。 英文說明:
Newsman Pro is a useful utility and multi-threaded newsreader
that can fully support all Usenet text and binary newsgroups.
Handles multiple servers seamlessly using server priorities
and/or as discrete "private" news servers.
Uses "virtual groups" for newsgroup subscription allowing you to
browse related newsgroups simultaneously. Unique expiration-based
Queue ensures that requested articles are retrieved in a timely
The Queue has 9 levels of priority. Powerful user-defined
filtering, Automation, Scheduling and NZB support make this
newsreader a valuable addition to your Internet tools. 相關商品: